The Economic Efficiency and Financial Sustainability of Agricultural Holdings


agricultural holdings, CAP of the EU, economic efficiency, financial sustainability

The purpose of this article is to study the levels and trends of some basic indicators characterizing the economic efficiency and financial sustainability of agricultural holdings.

The study is based on official statistical information (NSI, MAF, Eurostat) and covers the period 2006-2013. It uses the following survey methods: systematic and comparative analysis; method of statistical groupings, inductive and deductive methods of analysis.

The survey results show that there is no clear steady upward trend in the efficiency and financial sustainability of agricultural holdings in the country. The economic performance of agricultural holdings growing field crops repeatedly exceed the performance achieved in the other types of holdings, mainly due to the larger sizes of the holdings and the support received rather than the more efficient production. The agricultural holdings growing perennial crops are in the most unfavourable situation.

JEL: Q12, Q14
Pages: 22
Price: 3 Points

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