A Concept of Team Control in Organizations


teams, control, fuzzy logic, Todor Kableshkov University of Transport – Sofia

This study aims to develop the conceptual and methodological foundations for team control in organizations. It presents a concept of team control, which combines classical and modern achievements of a number of management and mathematical theories. The concept is based on a comprehensive toolkit which includes management and advanced mathematical tools from the theory of fuzzy logic and the theory of fuzzy subsets. The study consists of four parts. Part one clarifies the author’s concept regarding the nature and characteristics of a team. Part two elaborates on the conceptual foundations of the team control process. Part three contains the author’s model of team control in an organization. Part four presents the results of testing the model of team control at Todor Kableshkov University of Transport – Sofia.

JEL: M19, C65
Pages: 29
Price: 3 Points

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